swimming pool covers

Why Do I Need A Swimming Pool Cover?

There are many good reasons to install a swimming pool cover:

  • Protect your pool from leaves, dust and debris
  • Simplify pool maintenance
  • Reduce the pump hours required for filtration
  • Save electrical energy and lower your power bills
  • Prevent ducks & other birds entering the pool
  • Stop frogs, toads and lizards living in the pool area
  • Reduce the amount of water evaporation
  • Reduce loss of chemicals
  • Prevent the sun from reducing chlorine effectiveness
  • Keep the pool water warmer during the off season


Types of Swimming Pool Covers

Thermal Pool Blankets

Thermal pool blankets are primarily designed to retain water heat. They float on the surface and also reduce leaves and debris entering the water.

The cost of a thermal pool blanket starts around $150 for a small pool.

Solar Swimming Pool Covers

These covers are designed to warm the pool water during the day but they are also useful to keep leaves and debris out of your pool. Solar pool covers float on the surface and are very easy to install.

The cost of a solar pool cover starts around $150 for a small pool.

Slat Swimming Pool Covers

slat pool cover

Slat swimming pool covers are designed to prevent people falling into the pool water. They can take the weight of an adult and prevent the person becoming submerged in the pool.

The cost of a slat pool cover starts around $500.

Leaf and Debris Pool Covers

This type of pool cover is only designed to keep out leaves, debris and wildlife. These covers fit tightly over the whole pool without floating on the water. They take a little longer to install than a floating cover but provide total protection from debris and animals. These covers are also referred to as mesh covers because they are constructed with a fine woven mesh polyethylene material. Rain can filter through the material so a pool of water doesn’t accumulate in the middle of the cover. Leaves and debris are trapped on the cover to be swept or blown away.

Swimming Pool Cover Rollers

pool cover roller

If you have a larger swimming pool that you use frequently or every day and want to keep covered you should invest in a pool cover roller.

The cover roller is the quickest and easiest way to remove and install a pool cover.

The roller keeps the cover is good condition and helps to protect the cover when rolled up.

The cost of a pool cover roller starts around $100 for a plastic model, but I recommend metal rollers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Pool Covers Really Heat the Pool Water?

Yes they do. Most pool owners are doubtful about whether a swimming pool cover will heat the pool water. Only a solar cover heats the water.

Note: Thermal covers do not heat the water but only retain the heat of the water and prevent the pool from cooling.

Solar pool covers allow the heat from sunlight through the cover to heat the water underneath. The cover prevents water evaporation which stops heat loss. This is similar to the principle of the human body sweating to cool down. When sweat evaporates from your skin it removes heat from your body. The solar pool cover prevents evaporation and heat loss from the pool.

Is it better to cover your pool?

Placing a swimming pool cover on your pool is the best way to stop leaves and debris entering the pool. This reduces the need for filtering and cleaning the pool adding years of life to your expensive pool equipment. Covers prevent birds and frogs entering the pool, reduce water evaporation and maintain chemical effectiveness.

Which is better mesh or solid pool cover?

A solid pool cover virtually guarantees the pool will remain clean whenever the cover in on. These covers are perfect for winterizing the pool and keeping out all debris, rain and snow.

Mesh covers are designed to allow water through the cover which prevents snow build-up on the cover. However, bacteria and other contaminants can leach through the cover into the pool. In the spring the pool water may not be clean and clear with a mesh cover.

How do you drain a pool cover without draining the pool?

The simplest way to drain a pool cover is to siphon the water away with a garden hose. Otherwise you will need to purchase a small water pump to remove the water.

Should you cover a pool at night?

When you have a heated pool you must cover it at night to preserve the warm water temperature. A low cost solar pool cover will work well to hold in the heat.

I recommend using a pool cover whenever the pool is not in use to prevent debris entering the pool and clogging the filter. Often during the night it is windy and raining blowing debris into a pool.

Do the bubbles on a pool cover go up or down?

The pool cover works best when the bubbles are facing down onto the water to trap the heat between the bubbles and water. Heat from the sun hits the cover and transfers through the bubbles into the water.

Should I cover pool before rain?

Many pool owners cover their pool to prevent rain entering the pool. Rainwater can introduce dirt and debris into the pool and change the water pH, hardness and alkalinity.

Is a winter pool cover necessary?

If you live in a climatic region where you need to winterize your pool I recommend installing a pool cover during the winter to protect the pool. In the spring it will be much easier and less work to open your pool for the summer season.

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