Fiberglass Pool Stain Removal & Prevention
If you own a fiberglass pool you will need to read this post on fiberglass pool stain removal & prevention. Most fiberglass pool owners think that their pool cannot stain.…
Swimming Pools, Spas & Hot Tubs
If you own a fiberglass pool you will need to read this post on fiberglass pool stain removal & prevention. Most fiberglass pool owners think that their pool cannot stain.…
In the United States of America, a new variable speed pool pump law has been introduced to require that all new and replacement inground swimming pool filtration pumps are variable…
Even though you follow all the guidelines for cleaning and maintaining your pool, one day, you notice that the pool tiles are stained along the waterline. It’s a common pool…
Pool skimmer socks are one of the most useful, simple and inexpensive devices to keep your pool sparkling clean. As a result, they are a top seller for all pool…
There are two options to sanitize a swimming pool – freshwater with added chlorine or use a salt water chlorine generator. Salt Water Chlorine Generators automatically and continuously produce the…
Pool Filter Balls perform better than sand in a pool sand filter for a number of reasons. Firstly, they filter particles down to as low as 5 or 10 microns…
Many people believe that it’s ok to pee in a swimming pool or hot tub because the chlorine will kill or remove the urine from the pool water. That is…
Pool liner repair or replacement is one of those tasks that pool owners would rather avoid. It’s almost always stressful and can be a difficult and expensive exercise, especially when…
A swimming pool overflowing from rain is a very common problem for pool owners. With the onset of climate change possibly increasing the frequency and severity of storms pool owners…
Knowing how to change pool filter sand is easy and you don’t do it often but the process is messy and time-consuming especially for a first-time pool owner. You could…
Why and how sand got in to your pool may seem like a total mystery, but all mysteries usually have a simple and logical explanation. The most common explanation is…
Phosphates may become an issue in your swimming pool as high levels of phosphates may promote the growth of algae. While all water sources may contain phosphates and it’s not…
Get rid of water bugs in the pool as they can bite swimmers with a sting and swelling similar to a bee sting. Water bugs are revolting cockroach-like creatures that…
Pool Maintenance is all about testing and balancing the chemical components of your pool water. This is the first and most important part to your pool maintenance routine. Clearing the…
An Automatic Pool Chlorinator is highly recommended for busy people who want a low maintenance swimming pool. The chlorinator will automatically dispense the right amount of soluble chlorine into the…
A pool equipment enclosure is popular for hiding away all the unsightly gear you use to clean and maintain your swimming pool and spa. You could store the equipment inside…
DIY pool cleaning & maintenance has many benefits over hiring a professional pool cleaner. Firstly, you will save the cost of hiring labor which is the most expensive component of…
Non-Chlorine pool shock or chlorine shock? This is a common question from pool operators. However, the answer depends on your type of swimming pool and how you use it. Non-chlorine…
Common pool maintenance mistakes can cost you time and money not to mention leave you with an unclean swimming pool. Learn how to avoid these simple mistakes to keep your…
Spring has arrived and the pollen season is activating your allergies. However, that’s not the only problem you have as your swimming pool surface is covered with yellow pollen. Remove…
Pool filter valves are another aspect of the pool equipment that are not always fully understood by pool operators. Understanding your swimming pool filter valves is easy to learn and…
Biguanide pool chemicals provide consistent and long-lasting protection against bacteria and other contaminants. One application of biguanide pool chemicals controls bacteria and contaminants for up to 14 days. Biguanide sanitizer…
You have a freshwater pool and you’re thinking about how to convert your pool to salt water. Well don’t think too hard because the conversion to salt water is easy.…
There are many ways to prevent pool water evaporation, however, first you need to ensure the water is not leaking from your pool. If you suspect there is a leak…